Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quest for cake

Being in constant pain causes one to search for ways of distracting oneself, soothing oneself or stopping the pain.  Since I cannot stop the pain, I use facebook, books, internet, and television (both good and bad) to try and distract myself.  Soothing myself is where I have gotten into trouble.  Get your mind out of the gutter (J, J and L) I am talking about food here.  Yummy, smooth, creamy ice cream was my go-to food for a few years. I briefly dabbled in home made salsa and chips (which I LOVE and the best home made salsa is Kim J.'s).  Now, I am on a quest for cake.  Not just good cake - great cake.  Ohmyheavensthereisagod cake.  Moist, chocolatey, no icing necessary cake.
If you possess that recipe, please share...or better yet, drop off the cake.  I promise to clean the dish and write you an appropriately wordy thank you.


  1. Thanks for the recipe! I will look forward to making it - maybe this weekend :)

  2. I've got some yummy lemon cake over here! I will drop off a slice :)

  3. Cupcakes! Definitely the best medicine...

  4. What's a chocolate cake without mayonnaise?

    2 c. flour, unsifted
    2/3 c. unsweetened cocoa
    1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
    1/4 tsp. baking powder
    3 eggs
    1 2/3 c. less 1 tbsp. sugar
    1 tsp. vanilla
    1 c. mayonnaise
    1 1/3 c. water
    Grease and flour two 9 inch pans. In medium bowl mix flour, cocoa, soda and powder. In large bowl mix on high eggs, sugar and vanilla for 3 minutes or until light and fluffy, scraping occasionally. Reduce to low and beat in mayonnaise until blended.
    Add flour mixture alternately with water. Begin and end with flour (add flour in 4 parts). Pour into prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until pick comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Remove from pan.

    1/3 c. butter, melted
    1/3 c. cocoa
    1/2 tsp. vanilla
    2 c. powdered sugar
    2 tbsp. milk (more as needed)
    Whisk together butter and cocoa. Add vanilla. Mix in powdered sugar gradually and alternately with milk. Frost cool cake.

  5. The chocolate mayonaise cake is yummy... I don't remember what it is but will dig for the recepie.. I have one that is just as yummy you make in the microwave in a coffee mug. YUMM-O and not much effort to it. YAY!
