Thursday, March 3, 2011

Taking the Day Off

Dear Friends,

I have a bunch of volunteering duties on my plate at the minute so I am taking the day off from my blog.  I am working on a great story with lots of information and statistics as well as a list of tips for coping with chronic pain and invisible illnesses.

Thanks for understanding and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!!



  1. You are entitled to take a day w/o posting...did your day go as planned? Hope so! -Sally

  2. Sally,

    Yes! I went shopping with a friend for the Jazz Band Mardi Gras dinner fundraiser for next Tuesday night. I am SO thankful that I was able to be out of the house and spend time with my friend Karen who makes me laugh and we are so like minded.

    Tomorrow I am tackling vacuuming and have a reiki appointment! Exceptionally grateful to be able to drive again and slowly get my life back.

